“Families in their community” family history day

Waltham Forest Family History Society (WFFHS) is holding a family history day in support of the Borough’s Year of Culture on Saturday 28th September from 11am-4pm at Vestry House Museum, Walthamstow, E17 7NH. The theme of the day will be “Families in their community”. Experienced genealogists will help you to start researching your family history, with free computer sessions and useful tips.

In the Garden Room 11am to 4.30pm there will be displays of material that show what communities were like for families living in our area then.

The archive and search room will be having a drop-in open day from 11am to 4pm (accessible only by stairs).

Talks: 11.30am-12 noon James Diamond about “Waltham Forest families and the great outdoors, 1920-40”
2.30pm-3pm a different speaker on “Growing up in Waltham Forest in the 1930s”

For further information, email mcarroll@waitrose.com or call 01992 813 014.
Additional information will appear at http://www.wffhs.org.uk